Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening
Katharine Cecilia Williams
Norsk psykologforening
ISSN 0332-6470 (print)
ISSN 2703-9528 (web)
Etter over ett år i behandling med ISTDP kjenner jeg på et behov for å lufte noen bekymringer som pasient og et ansvar for å gjøre det som fagperson.
ISSN 0332-6470 (print)
ISSN 2703-9528 (web)
A welcome, rare critique of ISTDP
As a counseling psychologist and a former client of an ISTDP psychotherapist, I fully uphold the ideas and experiences expressed so well here. I also question the ethical stance of overriding the client's experience by creating a situation where all responses apart from that which is invited by the therapist are necessarily defences. I welcome the non-supression of client ISTDP experiences where the outcomes were not positive ones, as an aid to people like myself who found the experience unhelpful overall.