
Kongresser og konferanser

Publisert: 04.05.2010 | Utgave: 5 | Side: 464

Juni 7–8, 2010

International Conference on Disaster Psychology, Bergen, Norge.


Juni 15–18, 2010

20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Gothenburg, Tyskland. Hjemmeside

Juni 16–19, 2010

12th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Brisbane, Australia. Hjemmeside

Juni 23–26, 2010

5th European Conference on Positive Psychology, København, Danmark. Hjemmeside

Juni 23–27, 2010

41st International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Asilomar, California, USA. Hjemmeside

Juni 23–28, 2010

27th International Literature and Psychology Conference, Pécs, Ungarn. Hjemmeside

Juni 24–27, 2010

8th Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Biennial ConferenceNew Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Hjemmeside

Juni 27–30, 2010

12th International Conference on Work Values and Behavior, Estoril-Lisbon, Portugal. Hjemmeside

Juni 27–Juli 2, 2010

21st International Association for People-Environment Studies, Leipzig, Tyskland. Hjemmeside

Juni 29–Juli 3, 2010

World Association for Infant Mental Health 12th World Congress (WAIMH), Leipzig, Tyskland. Hjemmeside

Juni 30–Juli 2, 2010

PLAT2010: Psychology learning and teaching, Edinburgh, Skottland, Storbritannia. Hjemmeside

Juli 1–3, 2010

1st International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder, Berlin, Tyskland. Hjemmeside

Juli 2–4, 2010

4th International Congress on Licensure, Certification and Credentialing of Psychologists, Sydney, Australia. Hjemmeside

Juli 3–10, 2010

Summer School on Law, Crime and Psychology, Praha, Tsjekkia. Hjemmeside

Juli 4–7, 2010

Asian Psychological Association 2010 Conference, Darwin, Australia. Hjemmeside

Juli 7–10, 2010

International Society of Political Psychology Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA. Hjemmeside

Juli 7–10, 2010

XX Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Melbourne, Australia. Hjemmeside

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