
Avtale mellom testleverandør og Psykologforeningen

An-Magritt Aanonsen og Ian Taylor
  • An-Magritt Aanonsen

    President Norsk Psykologforening

  • Ian Taylor

    Harcourt Assessment

Publisert: 09.10.2006 | Utgave: 10

Harcourt Assessment distribuerer nå mange av de tester som Assessio tidligere leverte, blant annet Wechslertestene, og har etablert et kontor i Stockholm, som skal betjene det skandinaviske markedet. Firmaet har hatt et møte med Norsk Psykologforening, der en fastsatte følgende ramme for det videre samarbeidet, et såkalt «Memorandum of Understanding».

The Norwegian Psychological Association continually strives to ensure its members and their efforts are best represented within all areas of psychological endeavour. To enable both parties to deliver the most appropriate tests to meet the requirements of the Norwegian market, a level of cooperation shall be agreed between the two organisations. To that effect:

  • 1. Harcourt agrees that it will foster an environment of full cooperation with the Norwegian Psychological Association.

  • 2. Harcourt and the Norwegian Psychological Association agree to set up a joint committee to discuss key issues in the development of tests. The membership and objectives of this committee is to be defined, but will include qualified members of the Harcourt team based in Sweden and London, and will plan to meet four times a year.

  • 3. In addition, both parties agree to establish a more strategic, business related forum, to meet twice per year to determine issues relating to the wider market, resolve any issues and examine opportunities.

  • 4. Harcourt Assessment commits to establish contact with a network of Norwegian experts in tests and test use, in relation to future development of Norwegian or Scandinavian versions of Harcourt tests. This will involve appropriate professional psychologists as guided by the Norwegian Psychological Association.

  • 5. There is no implicit requirement on Harcourt to establish a physical office or team in Norway, but the Norwegian Psychological Association does recommend that Nowegian interests are represented: samples, data, and norms etc are collected to be incorporated in all major projects for Scandinavian publication, even if managed in Sweden.

  • 6. Harcourt and the Norwegian Psychological Association agree to work toward a rigorous process for registration and qualifications for use of Harcourt’s psychological tests.